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  • International Choral Composition Competition "Komos" 2024 - 8th Edition

    Friday, 15 November 2024 at 18:00:00 UTC International Choral Composition Competition "Komos" 2024 - 8th Edition Komos APS, in collaboration with AERCO (Associazione Emilia-Romagna Cori), Cromatica (Associazione Nazionale Cori Arcobaleno APS), and AltrEdizioni Casa Editrice announces the 8th Komos International Choral Composition Competition, with the aim of promoting and disseminating contemporary musical creativity and LGBTQIA culture. The competition has received the patronage of the Bologna City Council, more specifically Office for Equal Opportunities, protection of differences, countering gender-based violence, and is included in the General Pact of Cooperation for the promotion and protection of the rights of the LGBTQIA community in the city of Bologna. The competition is dedicated to the composition of an original, unpublished piece for SATB mixed choir with piano accompaniment. For more information, please read the announcement on our webiste at the link below! Concorso Internazionale di Composizione Corale "Komos" 2024 - VIII Edizione - Komos ( BOLOGNA ITALY KOMOS Coro LGTBI di Bologna


    Dear Choir Members ​ The Board is very excited to open the next stage in the selection process for the host city of Various Voices 2026. ​ We now all get the chance to view the bids from Barcelona and Brussels. ​ Read and share the bid document Look at the video to complement the bid Review the scores of the LEGATO Various Voices Team Refer to the "Call for bids" and "LEGATO Choirs Support policy" ​ Once your choir is ready to vote please score both bids 1 to 5 (5 being the highest) Each choir may only submit their votes once, if more than one set of votes is cast we will only count the most recent votes cast ​ The voting opens on 1st August and closes on 31st August 2021 ​ Your vote link was sent to your choirs email address registered with LEGATO ​ If you do not receive your link or wish to amend your formal email please contact us at: ​ ​ The host city for Various Voices 2026 will be announced by December 2021 and there will be a handover ceremony in Bologna. Both our bidding teams have worked immensely hard to offer us all the best experience for 2026 and we thank them for contributing to our mission. Barcelona VV2026 BID Brussels VV2026 BID

  • German Constitution | LEGATO European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs

    Verabschiedet auf der Gründungsversammlung am 1. November 1997 in Wien, geändert am 25. Oktober 1999 auf der außerordentlichen Mitgliederversammlung in Stuttgart, am 30. September 2017 in Warschau, am 26. Januar 2019 in Brüssel, mit schriftlicher Abstimmung am 26. Juni 2020 und zuletzt mit schriftlicher Abstimmung am 29. Oktober 2021. ​ ​ § 1 Name, Sitz, Geschäftsjahr, Sprache ​ ​ 1. Der Verein trägt den Namen LEGATO und soll in das Vereinsregister eingetragen werden. Sitz des Vereins ist Karlsruhe. ​ 2. Das Geschäftsjahr ist das Kalenderjahr. ​ 3. Verkehrssprache des Vereins ist englisch, sofern rechtliche Bestimmungen nicht eine andere Sprache vorsehen. ​ § 2 Zweck, Gemeinnützigkeit ​ 1. Der Verein ist Dachverband der LGBTQ+ (lesbisch, schwulen, bisexuellen, transgender, queer) Chöre und Gesangsensembles Europas. Sein Zweck ist: ​ die Förderung von Kunst und Kultur, insbesondere die Pflege des Chorgesangs; der Völkerverständigung zu dienen, insbesondere durch Veranstaltungen mit Teilnehmern aus mehreren Staaten Europas; die Emanzipation von der LGBTQ+ Community in Europa zu unterstützen und deren Diskriminierung entgegenzuwirken. 2. Der Verein verfolgt ausschließlich und unmittelbar gemeinnützige Zwecke. Er ist selbstlos tätig und verfolgt nicht in erster Linie eigenwirtschaftliche Zwecke. 3. Mittel des Vereins dürfen nur zu satzungsgemäßen Zwecken verwendet werden. Mitglieder erhalten keine Gewinnanteile und in ihrer Eigenschaft als Mitglied auch keine sonstigen Zuwendungen aus Mitteln des Vereins. Es darf keine Person durch Ausgaben, die dem Zweck des Vereins fremd sind, oder durch unverhältnismäßig hohe Vergütungen begünstigt werden. 4. Alle Inhaber von Vereinsämtern sind ehrenamtlich tätig. 5. Der Verein ist politisch und konfessionell nicht gebunden. § 3 Mitgliedschaft 1. Der Verein besteht aus regulären Mitgliedern und Fördermitgliedern. Reguläre Mitglieder des Vereins können europäische Chöre und Gesangsensembles werden. Die Fördermitgliedschaft steht allen natürlichen und juristischen Personen offen, die sich den Vereinszielen verbunden fühlen und diese unterstützen wollen. 2. Über den schriftlichen Antrag auf Mitgliedschaft entscheidet der Vorstand. Im Fall einer Ablehnung ist der Vorstand nicht verpflichtet, dem Bewerber bzw. der Bewerberin die Gründe dafür mitzuteilen. Gegen die Ablehnung steht dem Bewerber bzw. der Bewerberin die Berufung an die Mitgliederversammlung zu, die schriftlich innerhalb eines Monats an den Vorstand zu richten ist. Die Mitgliederversammlung entscheidet abschließend. 3. Die Mitgliedschaft endet durch Tod der natürlichen beziehungsweise Erlöschen der juristischen Person, Austritt oder Ausschluß. Der Austritt eines Mitglieds kann nur zum Quartalsende mit einer Frist von einem Monat erfolgen und muß; schriftlich gegenüber dem Vorstand erklärt werden. Ein Ausschluß kann nur aus wichtigem Grund erfolgen. Hierzu gehören insbesondere: ein den Verein oder die Vereinsziele schädigendes Verhalten die Verletzung satzungsgemäßer Pflichten Beitragsrückstände von mindestens einem Jahr ​ Über den Ausschluss entscheidet der Vorstand. Er muss schriftlich und mit Begründung erfolgen. Gegen den Ausschluss steht dem Mitglied die Berufung an die Mitgliederversammlung zu, die schriftlich innerhalb eines Monats an den Vorstand zu richten ist. Die Mitgliederversammlung entscheidet abschließend; bis dahin ruhen die Rechte des Mitglieds. Bereits für die Zukunft bezahlte Mitgliedsbeiträge werden bei Beendigung der Mitgliedschaft nicht erstattet. § 4 Rechte und Pflichten der Mitglieder ​ 1. Der Verein erhebt Mitgliedsbeiträge, deren Höhe und Fälligkeit von der Mitgliederversammlung festgesetzt werden. Die Beiträge können für reguläre Mitglieder und Fördermitglieder unterschiedlich und nach der Anzahl der Chor- bzw. Ensemblemitglieder und dessen Finanzkraft gestaffelt sein. Über Beitragsermäßigung, -stundung oder -befreiung entscheidet der Vorstand im Einzelfall und abschließend. ​ 2. Vereinsmitglieder sind verpflichtet, Änderungen des Namens, der Anschrift oder der Vertretungsberechtigung dem Vorstand unverzüglich mitzuteilen. Handelt es sich bei dem Mitglied um eine nicht rechtsfähige Personenvereinigung, so hat es eine als vertretungsberechtigt anzusehende Kontaktperson zu benennen. 3. Alle Mitglieder haben bei der Mitgliederversammlung Anwesenheits-, Antragsund Rederecht, wobei juristische Personen und nicht rechtsfähige Personenvereinigungen höchstens eine stimmberechtigte Person entsenden dürfen. Keine natürliche Person darf mehr als zwei Mitglieder vertreten. Jedes reguläre Mitglied hat eine Stimme; Fördermitglieder besitzen kein Stimmrecht. ​ 4. Inhaber von Vereinsämtern haben die gleichen Rechte und Pflichten wie Fördermitglieder, sind aber von der Beitragszahlung befreit. ​ 5. Weitere Rechte und Pflichten der regulären Mitglieder legt die Mitgliederversammlung fest. ​ § 5 Organe des Vereins Organe des Vereins sind die Mitgliederversammlung und der Vorstand. § 6 Die Mitgliederversammlung ​ 1. Der Vorstand beruft mindestens einmal im Jahr eine Mitgliederversammlung ein. Er hat im Übrigen dann unverzüglich eine Mitgliederversammlung einzuberufen, wenn es das Vereinsinteresse erfordert oder wenn mindestens ein Fünftel der Mitglieder dies schriftlich unter Angabe des Zwecks und der Gründe verlangt. Die Einladung wird vom Vorstand mit einer Frist von zwei Monaten unter Angabe der vorläufigen Tagesordnung im Mitteilungsblatt des Vereins veröffentlicht oder schriftlich jedem Mitglied bekannt gegeben. ​ 2. Die Mitgliederversammlung ist unabhängig von der Zahl der erschienenen Mitglieder beschlussfähig, wenn die Einladung satzungsgemäß erfolgt ist. Sie wird von einem Vorstandsmitglied oder einem gewählten Versammlungsleiter geleitet. 3. Die Mitgliederversammlung ist nicht öffentlich. Sie kann Gäste zulassen. Die Chorbzw. Ensemblemitglieder der Mitglieder sind anwesenheits- und redeberechtigt, sofern die Mitgliederversammlung dies nicht anders beschließt. ​ 4. Ausschließlich die Mitgliederversammlung ist zuständig für: die Wahl einer protokollführenden Person und gegebenenfalls eines Versammlungsleiters bzw. einer Versammlungsleiterin, die Verabschiedung der Tagesordnung, die Beschlussfassung über die Änderung der Satzung einschließlich des Vereinszwecks, die Beschlussfassung über die Auflösung des Vereins, Wahl und Abberufung des Vorstands, die Wahl der Kassenprüfer bzw. Kassenprüferinnen, die Entgegennahme des Rechenschaftsberichts des Vorstands und dessen Entlastung, die Entgegennahme des Prüfberichts der Kassenprüfer bzw. Kassenprüferinnen, die abschließende Entscheidung über Widerspruch gegen Ausschluss oder Nichtaufnahme, die Festlegung von Höhe und Fälligkeit der Mitgliedsbeiträge, die Festlegung weiterer, in der Satzung nicht ausdrücklich genannter Rechte Pflichten der regulären Mitglieder gemäß § 4 Abs. 5. ​ 5. Anträge über die Abberufung des Vorstands, die Änderung der Satzung oder die Auflösung des Vereins, die den Mitgliedern nicht bereits mit der Einladung zugegangen sind, können erst auf der darauffolgenden Mitgliederversammlung behandelt werden. Anträge auf Satzungsänderung müssen im Wortlaut und mit Begrün- dung mitgeteilt werden. ​ 6. Abstimmungen erfolgen durch Handaufheben, sofern nicht im Einzelfall ein Viertel der anwesenden regulären Mitglieder geheime Abstimmung beantragt. Es entscheidet die einfache Mehrheit; bei Stimmengleichheit ist ein Antrag abgelehnt. Die Abberufung des Vorstands, Satzungsänderungen einschließlich Änderungen des Vereinszwecks sowie die Auflösung des Vereins können nur mit Zweidrittelmehrheit beschlossen werden. Stimmenthaltungen und ungültige Stimmen bleiben außer Betracht. ​ 7. Alle einem Mitgliedschor bzw. -ensemble angehörigen natürlichen Personen sind wählbar. ​ 8. Über die Beschlüsse der Mitgliederversammlung ist ein Protokoll aufzunehmen, das vom Versammlungsleiter und dem Protokollführer zu unterzeichnen ist. Satzungsänderungen müssen im Wortlaut protokolliert werden. Das Protokoll muß außerdem Namen und Sitz der auf der Mitgliederversammlung vertretenen regulären Mitglieder und den Name der diese jeweils vertretenden Person enthalten. ​ 9. Die Mitgliederversammlung kann in Form einer Präsenzversammlung oder auch als Online-Versammlung stattfinden. Auch eine Mischform dieser Verfahren ist zulässig (Hybrid-Versammlung). In der Einladung ist auf die Form der Versammlung hinzuweisen. Im Falle der Durchführung einer Online- oder Hybrid-Versammlung gelten die sonstigen Bestimmungen dieser Satzung über Mitgliederversammlungen mit der Maßgabe entsprechend, dass den Mitgliedern zusätzlich und rechtzeitig die Zugangsdaten zum Online-Konferenzraum bekannt zu machen sind und online zugeschaltete Mitglieder als anwesend gelten. Den Mitgliedern wird die Verpflichtung auferlegt, ihre Zugangsdaten keinem Dritten zugänglich zu machen und unter strengem Verschluss zu halten. ​ 10. Beschlüsse der Mitglieder können auch schriftlich und/oder per E-Mail oder mithilfe eines vom Verein bereitgestellten Online-Formulars gefasst werden. Der Aufruf zur Beschlussfassung erfolgt durch den Vorstand per E-Mail. Ein solcher Beschluss ist gültig, wenn alle stimmberechtigten Mitglieder der Mitgliederversammlung beteiligt wurden, bis zu dem vom Vorstand gesetzten Termin die beteiligten Mitglieder ohne Mindestbeteiligung ihre Stimme(n) in Textform bzw. im Online-Formular abgegeben haben und der Beschluss mit der erforderlichen Mehrheit gefasst wurde. Nach Abschluss des Verfahrens sind die Beschlussergebnisse sämtlichen Mitgliedern zeitnah bekannt zu machen. § 7 Der Vorstand ​ 1. Der Vorstand besteht aus mindestens drei und maximal sieben Personen. Ihm sollen mindestens je eine Frau und ein Mann angehören. Die Geschlechterzusammensetzung des Vorstandes soll soweit wie möglich ausgeglichen sein. Der*die Vorsitzende und weitere Vorstandsämter werden durch den Vorstand aus seiner Mitte gewählt. In Vorstandsentscheidung entscheidet bei Stimmengleichheit die Stimme des*der Vorsitzenden. 2. Der Vorstand wird von der Mitgliederversammlung für die Dauer von zwei Jahren gewählt. Gewählt ist, für wen mehr als die Hälfte der anwesenden Stimmberechtigten mit „Ja“ stimmen. Wenn mehr Kandidat*innen die erforderlichen Stimmen erhalten als Positionen zu besetzen sind, sind die Kandidat*innen in der Rangfolge mit den meisten Stimmen gewählt. Erhalten mehrere Kandidat*innen für eine Vorstandsposition nicht die notwendige Anzahl an Ja-Stimmen, werden weitere Wahlgänge notwendig. Der*die Kandidat*in mit der geringsten Ja-Stimmenzahl aus dem vorherigen Wahlgang bleibt bei den weiteren Wahlgängen für die jeweilige Vorstandsposition unberücksichtigt. Er bleibt solange im Amt, bis ein neuer Vorstand gewählt ist. Die einzelne Wiederwahl von Vorstandsmitgliedern ist zulässig. ​ 3. Scheidet ein Mitglied des Vorstands vorzeitig aus, so wählen die anderen ein Ersatzmitglied für den Rest der Amtsdauer des ausgeschiedenen Vorstandsmitglieds. Beim Ausscheiden von mehr als die Hälfte hat der Vorstand umgehend eine Mitgliederversammlung einzuberufen, auf der der komplette Vorstand neu gewählt wird. ​ 4. Der Vorstand kann von der Mitgliederversammlung mit Zweidrittelmehrheit abberufen werden. Es ist dann umgehend ein neuer Vorstand zu wählen. ​ 5. Der Vorstand im Sinne des § 26 BGB besteht aus den in Abs. 1, Satz 1 genannten gleichberechtigten Personen und hat insbesondere die laufenden Geschäfte des Vereins zu führen. Er vertritt den Verein gerichtlich und außergerichtlich. Jedes seiner Mitglieder ist alleine vertretungsberechtigt. ​ 6. Der Vorstand fasst seinen Beschlüsse auf persönlichen Treffen oder in Telefon/Video-/Internetkonferenzen, zu denen mit zweiwöchiger Frist per Brief, Fax oder E-Mail eingeladen werden muss, oder durch Austausch von Brief, Fax oder E-Mail. Legt der Vorstand auf einem seiner Treffen Ort und Termin weiterer Treffen fest oder beschließt er regelmäßige Treffen an einem bestimmten Ort, so kann die Einladung entfallen. Zur Beschlussfassung sind mindestens die Hälfte der Vorstands mitglieder erforderlich. ​ 7. Die Beschlüsse des Vorstands müssen protokolliert und vom Vorstand abgezeichnet werden. Die Protokolle sind den regulären Mitgliedern auf Verlangen in angemessener Form zugänglich zu machen. Daraus entstehende Auslagen trägt das Mitglied. 8. Wenn es das Vereinsinteresse erfordert, kann der Vorstand Aufgaben verteilen, d.h. weitere Vereinsämter schaffen und deren Inhaber bzw. Inhaberin bestimmen. Dazu gehören beispielsweise die Redaktion einer Vereinszeitschrift, das Verwalten eines Notenarchivs, das Führen der Mitgliederkartei und die Organisation von Treffen bzw. Veranstaltungen. Diese Ämter sind umgehend wieder abzuschaffen, wenn ihre Aufgaben erfüllt und nicht regelmäßig wiederkehrend sind oder wenn sie sich nicht mehr erfüllen lassen. § 8 Auflösung des Vereins ​ 1. Bei Auflösung des Vereins oder bei Wegfall des bisherigen Zwecks fällt das Vermögen an die Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, die es ausschließlich und unmittelbar für gemeinnützige oder mildtätige Zwecke verwenden muss. ​ 2. Im Falle einer Auflösung kann die Mitgliederversammlung auch mit einfacher Mehrheit einen anderen Empfänger oder mehrere Empfänger bestimmen, die das Vermögen ebenfalls nur für gemeinnützige oder mildtätige Zwecke verwenden dürfen. Erteilt das zuständige Finanzamt keine Einwilligung zur Ausführung des Beschlusses über die künftige Verwendung des Vereinsvermögens, so gilt dieser als nicht gefasst. ​ Beschlossen von den Gründungsmitgliedern Dominik K. Jakob (Vielhomonie Rhein Ruhr,Duisburg), Richard Mohr (Schola Cantorosa, Hamburg), Peter Kyburz (Schmaz, Zürich), Jürgen Eicher (Rosakehlchen, Heidelberg), Heinz F. Borel (Fliedertafel Basel), Josef Schinkowitsch (Plüsch, Wien), Markus Werner (Männer-Minne, Berlin), Hans v.d. Veen (Homomannenkoor Zangzaad, Groningen), Annette Kreis (Liederliche Lesben, Frankfurt)

  • Board Job Outline | LEGATO Choirs

    LEGATO Board Member Understanding 2024 A. Board Member Introduction ​ The LEGATO Board sets our organisation’s strategic direction and goals, ensures its financial viability and that it has funds to meet its needs, oversees its governance, and maintains general oversight of the management of the activities of its staff, contractors, and volunteers. Board Members are in the privileged position of providing essential governance and oversight to support the work of a vibrant and impactful membership organisation of 25 years standing. The LEGATO Membership, stakeholders, and allies represent an enormous asset to the Board in delivering our work. It is expected that the commitment given to the organisation by its members will be reflected in the commitment given by board members. As such, we are committed to ensuring that the Board remains accountable to Members, while at the same time being open to new ideas and activities outside existing practice if these would be beneficial to the organisation. ​ Board members are expected to behave in a positive way to promote and uphold the values of LEGATO and the global queer choral movement as we strive for equality through singing and engaging with a wide variety of audiences. They are expected to be advocates for our work and movement, including representing LEGATO at concerts, events, activities, festivals, and celebrations. LEGATO membership is diverse and intends to extend that diversity, and we hope to reflect this in the increasing diversity of Board membership. ​ B. The personal qualities we are looking for in our Board Members We seek board members who can demonstrate the following: ​ - A strong commitment to the mission, values, vision, and aims of the organisation. ​ - An understanding of, and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities, and liabilities of the LEGATO. ​ - An understanding of and commitment to the role of a Membership organisation such as the LEGATO which depends upon its Member volunteers for its vitality. ​ - An ability to work effectively as a member of a team. ​ - A willingness to speak your mind and to be prepared when appropriate to adopt a view that may not be popular to ensure healthy debate and a balance of views. ​ - A willingness to devote the necessary time and effort to your duties as a Board member, including a commitment and ability to attend Board meetings (with a minimum of four out of six / 65% of Board meetings each year). ​ - To provide a balance of intellectual and emotional intelligence skills that come from your own experience to work with others in a problem-solving consensual environment . ​ ​ C. The structure of the Board All Board members are eligible to vote at Board meetings and are Elected by the Members. Board positions are elected by the Board members. ​ President - represents LEGATO, sets the agenda, chair meetings, and leads on external relationships and fundraising. ​ Vice President - deputy to the President, provides support and advice to the President and other board members as required. Manages the Team Legato Volunteers. ​ Secretary and Succession - responsible for creating meeting agenda, managing documents for LEGATO, organising or taking minutes at meetings, ensuring we meet our legal requirements as a charity and company, etc. To manage records for succession planning and communicate with future and past Board members. ​ Treasurer, Finance, Governance - Manages the budget and day-to-day financial operation of the LEGATO. Including managing the bank account and reserves, invoices for membership fees, and payment of invoices to LEGATO. Governance & and legal issues to ensure that legal, insurance, and employment requirements are met. To be aware of and carry out any statutory obligations. Development and Fundraising Lead – to create and develop fundraising activities to meet the ongoing financial needs and plans of the organisation. Membership and Members Services Lead – represents the Membership and its concerns on the Board, and manages the relationship with the Membership, managing the database of member Choir information, updates, etc Creates strategy to introduce new members. ​ Communication Lead - managing LEGATO website, social media channels, and communications to membership. ​ Project / Various Voices Lead - supervise and support the bid and delivery of our flagship festival. To facilitate and organise the logistics of member-focused events, including the Leadership College. ​ ​ Non-voting members of the Board Team Board Advisor – appointed by the board and can be asked to attend a board meeting, but has no voting rights. Team LEGATO Members - appointed by the board and can be asked to attend a board meeting, but have no voting rights. ​ D. Board Terms of Service ​ The Board has 7 members who each serve for two years, elected by LEGATO members at a General Meeting. board members serve a maximum term of six years TBC (as of the date of this document). It is planned for one-half of the Board to come up for election at any one time to provide continuity of Board service. ​ E. Expected Time Commitment The average Board Member’s time commitment is 10 hours each month. This includes a quarterly / bi-monthly online or in-person board meeting, other committee or group meetings, correspondence, reading, research, and connections with other groups, organisations, partners, donors, sponsors, and suppliers. Board members are expected to read all relevant papers in advance of a Board meeting to ensure the optimal use by the organisation of their expertise and enthusiasm. Board members are expected to attend General Meetings and any other events and activities agreed upon; to take an active leadership role in any development and fundraising workshops and activities of LEGATO; to participate in the annual board retreat and any other board activities. Board members are expected to use the knowledge, skills, or experience in which each has special expertise to help develop the organisation’s strategy and work. Accordingly, Board members are expected to serve on at least one committee, group, or team. ​ F. Compensation and Expenses ​ As service on the Board is considered an honour, Board members serve without compensation or remuneration and are expected to finance their expenses. Board members are permitted to seek support from their member choirs and can fundraise to support their board service. When appropriate, they may apply in advance for reasonable expenses to fulfill travel or other expenses on official LEGATO business, so long as receipts and invoices are supplied for any agreed official expenses or expenditures. Serving on the LEGATO Board is a voluntary position and Board members may not receive remuneration for their services, and any subcontracted work must be declared and follow the Conflict of Interest process (see section I). However, reasonable expenses access costs and contributions related to meeting the duties of the role can be covered where needed. Due to the international nature of LEGATO, the majority of meetings will be held online, including the AGM. On the occasion that physical meetings do take place, travel and accommodation may be part-subsidized where finances may prove a barrier. Any access costs or reasonable adjustment costs for disabled trustees will also be covered. Any expenses must be approved in advance by emailing The President and receipts and/or invoices supplied in advance of reimbursement. All trustees are individually responsible for declaring expenses received to their relevant tax body. ​ LEGATO will also support trustees through formal and informal training, development, and peer support including, but not limited to, our Leadership College and tailored events as part of the Various Voices Festival. ​ G. The Core Responsibilities of Board Board Members ​ Every Board member of the LEGATO is individually and also collectively responsible for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation. As such, their responsibilities cover directly or indirectly the following areas: i. Strategic oversight - Setting, developing, maintaining, and periodically reviewing LEGATO’s vision, Mission, and values. - Ensuring appropriate structures are in place to support and develop the growth of the LEGATO, as needed and appropriate - Giving oversight to, authorising, and maintaining the organisational strategy including multi-year delivery. - Monitoring risk through periodic review of our Risk Register - Ensuring that there is an effective and monitored evaluation of LEGATO’s output, as well as impact in all activities that affect the public, donors, sponsors, and funders - Monitoring and reviewing delivery in meeting the agreed objectives and priorities. ii. Financial Oversight and Control - Maintaining proper financial oversight and managing financial risk - Agreeing on the annual budget, and reviewing income and expenditure to quarterly and annual management accounts - Authorising authority to countersign on payments/bank transfers and any applications for grants - Ensuring that any property is insured against all reasonable liabilities - Appointing appropriately experienced independent auditors, subject to approval by LEGATO Membership at the AGM iii. Protecting and enhancing the Reputation of the organisation - Promoting fairness and mutual respect in all our business and undertakings internally and externally - Promoting the organisation publicly and protecting its values and its reputation, internally and externally - Ensuring that the public and social media of the LEGATO as authorised by the Executive Committee correspond to the current strategy and ongoing values of the organisation - Representing LEGATO publicly at functions, events, and meetings as appropriate iv. Development/Fundraising - Providing oversight and strategic guidance in raising funds to deliver on our plans and meet our objectives. - Ensuring compliance with any agreed and stated requirements of the funders of LEGATO work and thereby ensuring good stewardship and continuing relationships for the future - Contributing and providing oversight to the fundraising strategy of the organisation and encouragement for those who implement it - Actively getting involved in Development activities through making introductions or making exemplary donations where appropriate to provide a lead to the whole organisation v. Legal and Charity Governance - Ensuring that LEGATO complies with our Articles of Association, and pursues its stated charitable objectives - Ensuring suitable policies and documents exist to support our charitable purposes and are implemented and monitored - Ensuring compliance with the law in Germany and/or the law of Germany as indicated by our Articles - Ensuring that our legal, insurance, data protection, and any employment requirements are met - Ensuring we are aware of and carry out any statutory obligations and any changes in these obligations that would affect us vi. Ensuring effective governance by the Board within the confines of a Membership organisation ​ - Promoting the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion in the recruitment of board members and thereby showing an example to the membership. - Maintaining the effective performance of the work of the board members in the delivery of their work for the Board - Ensuring that effective channels of communication exist between the Membership with its various volunteer committees and leads represented in the Board of Board members, around strategy, LEGATO governance, development/fundraising, and overall direction of the organisation. ​ H. Board Code of Conduct ​ Our board members operate according to a Code of Conduct and are subject to sanctions [at the date of this document, a process under discussion] for not complying with this code, which could ultimately lead to removal as a Director of the Board. All board members are expected to: - Exercise the powers of your Board member position and actively fulfill your responsibilities in good faith and in the best interests of the LEGATO. - Exercise these responsibilities, at all times, with due diligence, care, and skill reasonably and prudently. - Respect and support the LEGATO constitution, policies, and majority decisions of the Board, and agree to comply with and support decisions even if you have voted against them while retaining the right to bring them back to the Board for further discussion - Keep confidential all information learned about donors, contributors, staff, volunteers, and any other matters specifically determined by the Board to be matters of confidentiality, including matters dealt with during meetings of the Board. - Respectfully conduct yourself at all times in how you communicate verbally and in writing in your capacity as a Board Member. - Be aware of the sensitivities of others on the Board and an awareness that others may have different personal values, ideas, and perspectives to you that require respectful attention, even if you disagree with them - Work in a collegial manner respecting that decisions are made by consensus and democratically by a vote of board members in attendance ​ I. Conflicts of Interest The standard of behavior at the LEGATO as a Charity/Non-Profit and a mutually supportive Membership organisation requires all staff, volunteers, and Board members to scrupulously avoid conflicts of interest between the interests of LEGATO, on one hand, and personal, professional, and business interests on the other. This includes not only avoiding potential and actual conflicts of interest but also any public or internal perceptions of conflicts of interest. By maintaining such a standard, we will protect the integrity of the LEGATO decision-making process, thereby enabling all our stakeholders and Members to have confidence in our integrity, and in turn to protect the integrity and reputations of our volunteers, staff, and Board members. Each Board member therefore is required to make a full disclosure of interests, relationships, and holdings that could potentially or perceptually result in a conflict of interest. In the course of Board meetings or LEGATO activities, you will disclose any interests in any transaction or decision where you (including your business or other non-profit / charity affiliations), your family and/or personal partner, spouse, employer, or close associates will receive a benefit or gain. After any such disclosure, you understand that you will be asked to leave any meeting space for the discussion and will not be permitted to vote on the question. ​ J. Board Member Verbal Affirmation ​ I confirm that I fully understand and agree with the details outlined in this agreement, will fulfill the role and responsibilities of Board Member to the best of my ability in an open, honest, and collegial manner, respect and maintain the confidentiality of Board discussions, and decisions, and always declare in advance any conflict of interest. I further understand that as part of an ongoing review of the commitment, practice, and workload of each Board Member, I will be asked to review this document and my past year as a Board Member at an Annual Board Member Appraisal Meeting with the Chair/President (or in the case of the Chair/President being appraised, with the Vice Chair/President), at which any issues that have arisen in the previous year concerning the role and responsibility of a Board Member as outlined in this document can be discussed. To be affirmed by each board member at each new year board meeting ​ ​ If you have any questions or are interested in serving LEGATO in any capacity please send us an email to ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ TEAM Team LEGATO Volunteer Outline ​ Team LEGATO are people who volunteer to support the LEGATO Board of Directors and help to carry out their duties, roles and responsibilities, to deliver for our members. Team LEGATO Volunteers will work in small groups led by a board member on a specific task for a set period to complete the task or on an ongoing group. ​ The roles will vary and will be agreed in writing with the Vice President, who will recruit, organise and manage Team LEGATO volunteers. ​ LEGATO Choirs membership is very diverse, and we hope to reflect this in the diversity of the Team LEGATO Volunteers, who are expected to behave positively to promote and uphold the values of LEGATO and the LGBTQ+ choral movement for equality through singing and entertainment. ​ Qualifications ​ To qualify for Team LEGATO, you need to be willing to work as a team member and share your skills and good humor and complete any tasks you commit to and tell your Team Leader of progress and share any difficulties or challenges. ​ Application to Join and process to volunteer for Team LEGATO ​ Please submit a short written application to the LEGATO Team leader, either in response to a request or because you want to help serve our membership by volunteering. Outline any relevant experience you bring to a task or role and why you want to volunteer for Team LEGATO. ​ We will process your application and this may include you to complete a short online volunteering survey. We will invite you to an online meet-up to discuss how you can volunteer and agree on the details of how you can best serve LEGATO and our stakeholders. This will be part of your Team LEGATO record that you can view at any time. A board member will mentor and work with you during your period of volunteering. There may be training and feedback sessions. There will be an assessment of your service with your full involvement and cooperation to support you and ensure you are happy and content with your service. ​ Conflict of Interest ​ Team LEGATO volunteers should be aware to declare any conflict of interest in advance, and this should be reviewed at the annual assessment. If you are not sure, please ask. Team LEGATO volunteers can be asked to step down from volunteering service. ​ Commitment ​ The time commitment will vary according to the task. At your initial interview, you will agree to your task and time commitment. An average expectation is 5 hours each month. This includes an online monthly meeting. ​ If you have any questions or are interested in serving LEGATO in any capacity, please email us to

  • Oops | LEGATO Choirs

    - Instagram Sign-Up: How to Make an Account - Facebook - Create a free choir Page in minutes - Signing up with Twitter: How to Make an Account - YouTube Sign-Up: How to Make an Account


    DEN NORSKE HOMOFONIEN AV 1990 OSLO NORWAY Type: SATB Members: 25 Founded: 1990 ABOUT Vi er et blandet kor med skeive og stolte personer. For tiden har vi ca. 30 aktive medlemmer og samles hver tirsdag mellom kl. 19:00 og 21:30 på Høgskolen i Oslo (Pilestredet 35), for å synge og le og ha det hyggelig sammen. Vi tar sangen seriøst og har flere opptredener i løpet av året, men har rom for sosialt samvær også. Koret er delt inn i fire stemmegrupper: Sopran, alt, tenor og bass. Hver stemmegruppe er videre delt inn i to, hvis sangen krever det. Det vil si at vi ofte deles inn i 1. og 2. sopran, 1. og 2. alt, osv. Dette gjør at sangene får en fyldigere klang og gir oss en større utfordring som kor. ​ Vi tar på oss ulike oppdrag og våre meritter kan du lese om under Tidligere bragder. ​ Vårt repertoar er skiftende, ettersom vi stadig bryner oss på nye sanger. Vi tar for oss både klassiske og moderne sanger, ballader og litt mer rocka låter. Målet er å hele tiden utvikle oss, samtidig som vi ikke ønsker at det skal bli for avansert. Vi skal hygge oss med sangen og formidle denne gleden videre til de som hører på oss. Vi har også sanger i vårt repertoar som gjenspeiler at vi er et homokor. Disse sangene passer kanskje ikke til alle anledninger, men vi tar dem frem så ofte vi kan. Vi er stolte av vår seksuelle legning og selv om samfunnet har kommet lenger i dag enn for bare noen tiår siden når det gjelder aksept av homofile, er det fortsatt viktig at vi er synlige. Vi er derfor ikke et hvilket som helst kor, vi er Homofonien! ​ Den norske homofonien av 1990 (The Norwegian Homophonia of 1990) is a mixed chorus based in Oslo, Norway. The chorus is affiliated with the Norwegian LGBT Association and open to all LGBT people and others who want to sing along. At the moment the chorus consists of about 35 singers, men and women of all ages, directed by Ingelin Becker Dahl. Recent highlights include the fifteenth year anniversary concert in the beautiful Grand Auditorium of the University of Oslo, formerly venue of the Nobel Peace Price Ceremony. Here the chorus performed "Skeive Salmer" (Queer Hymns) especially commissioned from composer Gisle Kverndokk to poems by Dag Blakkisrud. For the 2008 Christmas Concert the chorus joined forces with Finland's and all of Scandinavia's great diva Arja Saijonmaa and the Norwegian singer Knut Anders Sørum. At the moment the chorus is working with the jazzy a cappella arrangements of Swedish The Real Group alongside music inspired by Norwegian tradition. We are also preparing for a Cabaret themed twentieth anniversary concert. Willkommen, bienvenue.... WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks


    CANTANTEN BREMEN GERMANY Type: SSAA Members: 12 Founded: ? ABOUT „Die Cantanten“ sind ein lesbischer Chor aus Bremen... Freude inzwischen 12 Jahre gemeinsam singend, vielfältig, kreativ... Wir sind zurzeit 33 Ladies, haben Spaß am mehrstimmigen Gesang - von den Comedian Harmonists über Popsongs bis hin zu afrikanischen Rhythmen! ​ Come and sing with us! ​ Wir singen jeden Mittwoch Abend im Viertel in Bremen. Zweimal im Jahr fahren wir zusammen auf ein Chorwochenende und singen, singen, singen. Und manchmal treten wir auf: Zum Beispiel bei den alljährlichen LesbenFrauenChöreTreffen, beim CSD, beim Lesbenfrühling oder bei anderen Gelegenheiten. ​ Wir sind Mitglied im Chorverband Niedersachsen-Bremen WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks

  • Newsletter

    Read our last newsletters May 2024 Come to Brussels this June - Newsletter May 2024 Read it here March 2024 Brussels 2024 Leadership College and Various Voices Rendezvous Read it here March 2024 Cracow 2024 Queer Choir Summer Festival Read it here February 2024 LEGATO News in February "Various Voices Festival 2030" Read it here January 2024 Session Leader Bids for LEGATO Leadership College Read it here December 2023 Happy Holidays & Happy 2024! Read it here August 2023 Bidding for VV2030 & more Read it here June 2023 VVBologna 2023, VVBrussels 2026 & other events + LEGATO Activities Read it here May 2023 Various Voices 2023 SPECIAL Read it here February 2023 Updates from VVBOLOGNA2023 2.0 Read it here December 2022 Updates from VVBOLOGNA2023 Read it here December 2022 LEGATO news in December Read it here October 2022 LEGATO news in October Read it here September 2022 LEGATO news in September Read it here August 2022 LEGATO news in August Read it here July 2022 LEGATO news in Summer Read it here April 2022 LEGATO news in Spring Read it here March 2022 LEGATO news in March Read it here January 2022 LEGATO news in January Read it here December 2021 LEGATO news in December Read it here

  • How to Attract More Instagram Followers

    How to Attract More Instagram Followers Depending on how much you want those followers, you may have to work hard for it—especially if you want them to be real and very interested in your content. Here are a few suggested strategies you can try to help you get more Instagram followers. ​ Start With Your Profile and Content Nobody wants to follow a user who posts bland content. You want to make sure that your photo and video posts include the best, most high-quality content you can put out there. Other users will visit your profile and glance over it quick before making the decision to either hit that follow button or leave. To increase your chances of getting new visitors to hit that follow button, you might want to think about giving your profile a serious makeover. ​ Pump up the look of your profile and quality of your content by: Picking a great profile photo that accurately reflects you or your brand Writing a compelling bio that sums up what you or your brand does for your audience Potentially switching to a business profile if you're running a business Posting eye-catching, visually appealing photos and videos while sticking as closely to a theme as possible Tagging your posts with relevant hashtags and locations Keeping a posting schedule, posting regularly and staying consistent! Find and Interact With Targeted Users You Want to Attract ​ You can have a great looking Instagram profile with lots of awesome content, but if you're not doing anything to get your content out in front of the eyes of your targeted followers, then you're going to have a hard time increasing your follower count. This interactive effort can be time consuming, but well worth it in the end. ​ To find targeted users to interact with, you can: ​ Look at the users who are following profiles similar to yours. Look at the users who are posting content under specific hashtags. Look at the users who are posting content in specific locations. ​ You can interact with these targeted users by: ​ Liking one or more of their posts Leaving a positive and personalized comment on one or more of their posts; and Following them (as long as you have no problem increasing your following count) ​ Your interaction is meant to get targeted users' attention. They'll visit your profile out of curiosity and if they like what they see (because you post create content and targeted them properly) then you have a good chance of attracting them as followers. ​ Encourage Your Followers to Engage With Your Content ​ By getting your existing followers to like and comment on your posts, you'll increase your chances of showing up in the Explore tab of users they're connected to. For every Instagram user, the Explore tab shows a grid of both photo and video posts based on who they're already following and the type of content they like. ​ This is a good thing, because it means you'll be rewarded with a bit of viral spread just for posting great content! So if someone views one of your posts that shows up in their Explore tab and then decides to check out your profile, you might just gain a follow from them. This is exactly how some of the biggest and most successful Instagram users ramp up their follower counts fast and efficiently. ​ Beginner engagement strategies include: ​ Asking your followers in the post caption to like or leave a comment Asking your followers in the post caption to tag a friend Liking comments left from your followers on your posts Replying to comments left from your followers on your posts Visiting users who liked or left comments on your posts and returning the favor. ​ Advanced engagement strategies include: ​ Launching a contest and asking followers to repost one of your posts Launching a contest and asking followers to post something original that relates to your brand or campaign Partnering up with similar users in a shoutout campaign Asking followers to tag their posts with your brand-specific hashtag Asking followers to visit a link in your profile and perform an action ​ Use Instagram Stories and Instagram Live ​ Instagram Stories and Instagram Live are two other features that can help you interact with existing followers and bring you new followers in the process. If you take a look at the top of the Explore tab on Instagram, you'll notice that both stories and users that are currently live show in a horizontal feed at the top, which is exactly where you want to show up too whenever you post a story or go live. ​ For any Instagram story you post, you should consider: ​ Adding a hashtag to your story Adding a location to your story ​ Your story will show up on the dedicated page for the specific hashtag and/or location you tagged it with. This means that users who search Instagram for that specific hashtag or location might see your story and decide to watch it, which could earn you new followers. ​ For any Instagram live video you decide to launch, you should consider: ​ Going live during a day and time when your followers are most active ​ Your followers will be notified of your live video. If a large number of followers decide to tune in, your live video could end up in the Top Live video tab shown at the top of the Explore tab. This means that users who are browsing through the Top Live video could decide to watch yours and eventually navigate to your profile to potentially follow you. ​ Promote Your Instagram Profile Everywhere Else ​ If you’ve got a significant amount of people who pay attention to you elsewhere online–like on Facebook or on a personal blog–you could attract more Instagram followers just by letting those people know you’re on Instagram. ​ You can promote your Instagram profile by: ​ Using the automatic posting feature Instagram has on the caption tab to post directly to Facebook, Twitter Adding links or Instagram badges to your blog or website Telling friends/followers on other social networks to follow you on Instagram by adding your Instagram handle to your bio Including your Instagram handle at the end of every post caption you make on other social networks Adding your Instagram handle and link to your profile to your email signature.

  • LEGATO Lounge | LEGATO Choirs

    Reserve your place for all our events at the VV2023 LEGATO Lounge REGISTER LEGATO LOUNGE 23 From Wednesday 13 till Saturday 16, the Various Voices LEGATO Lounge 23 , will be located at DumBo, Bologna. ​ Join us for an exciting and inclusive social mixer at the VV2023 LEGATO Lounge! This event is designed to bring people together, foster connections, and create a vibrant community atmosphere. Whether you're a festival attendee, a choir leader, or someone looking to expand your choir, this event offers something for everyone. ​ These events by LEGATO are free and open to all registered delegates and your friends. I would like to attend an event: Event Schedule ​ Welcome Desk : Kick off the Various Voices Festival by visiting our friendly welcome desk, where you'll receive a warm reception and get all the information you need to make the most of the evening. ​ Wednesday 14 June 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Choral Rush - “There’s gold in them thar hills!” ​ LGBTQ+ choirs are on the cusp of change and expanding into new frontiers - it’s a choral goldmine out there! Join Olha Rubtsova (Ukraine/Germany), Misza Czerniak (Poland), and Hsien Chew (UK) from Legato Choirs on a virtual expedition of Europe to discover more about the situation of choirs in different countries and make fabulous new choral friends in the way! You’re invited to go on an adventure with the Choral Rush game, to learn new skills and share your expertise through fun scenarios. Choral Rush will largely be conducted in English, so do invite a friend if you need help with interpretation, and bring your own refreshments. Who knows? You may strike choral gold! Friday 16 June 7pm - 8pm Team LEGATO - "Enjoying the Festival Vibe and want more?" ​ LEGATO Choirs is more than just Various Voices, and we are more than the sum of our individual choirs. We want more people to have the same chance to know how great joining our family of singers can be. That's why LEGATO has the vision to create safe queer singing spaces across Europe. We will do this by building choral resilience and spreading the love, and you can help make this a reality! Come chat with Martin Brophy (UK) and Hsien Chew (UK) about Team LEGATO to see what simple steps you can take to make this big vision attainable, and see what volunteering can achieve with our leadership support and talent development. You will meet new friends to talk about potential skills sharing, attend future events, and simply connect with like-minded individuals: the perfect opportunity to find your place in the Legato family. ​ Saturday 17 June 7:00 P M - 8:00 PM LEGATO Choirs Speed Dating - "See where the sparks fly" Welcome to the exciting world of a choir speed date event! Picture a vibrant and energetic gathering, filled with wonderful people seeking their perfect choral match. This unique event brings together singers from various backgrounds, and musical styles to create an atmosphere buzzing with anticipation and excitement. Hosted by Martin Gerrits (Germany) and Juancho Almenara (Spain), you will share in a fun way all your choir interests in a quick-fire format. Attendees embark on several quick-fire encounters, and a buzzer rings when each timed date ends. Participants progress from one person to the next until everyone has had a chance to meet each other. They introduce themselves, exchange pleasantries, and quickly delve into the magical world of choral music. It's an opportunity to connect, discover common ground, and explore the potential for harmonious collaborations. The event concludes with a sense of fulfillment and excitement. Singers leave with memories of delightful encounters, newfound friendships, and, for some lucky few, potential choir collaborations. It's an event that fosters artistic connections, celebrates musical diversity, and breathes new life into the choral community. REGISTER


    ACTUALLY GAY MEN'S CHORUS BRIGHTON & HOVE UNITED KINGDOM Type: TTBB Founded: 2005 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 35 ABOUT Actually Gay Men's Chrous was set up in October 2005 with the specific aim of providing a place where gay men can socialise, have fun and develop their social skills in a unique environment. Over the years, Actually has helped raise thousands of pounds for local charities. equally mixed classic/rock/pop/musicals WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2014 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    May 25 - 27, 1995 8TH FESTIVAL VARIOUS VOICES 1995 GRONINGEN 36 Choirs from 8 Countries and 800 singers GEMENGD DAMESKOOR HOMOMANNENKOOR ZANGZAAD First time under the name "Various Voices"

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