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  • The Language of Gender

    The Language of Gender The power of language to shape our perceptions of other people is immense. Precise use of terms in regards to gender can have a significant impact on demystifying many of the misperceptions associated with gender. However, the vocabulary of gender continues to evolve and there is no universal agreement about the definitions of many terms. Nonetheless, here are some working language and examples of frequently used (and misused) terms. We offer them as a starting place for dialogue and understanding, which begins by clarifying how we are using various terms, rather than asserting that they represent the final or only definition of the various terms. Agender – A person who sees themself as not having a gender. Some agender-identified people see themself as being gender-neutral, rather than not having any gender, but in any case, do not identify with a gender. ​ ​ Cisgender – Refers to people whose Gender identity aligns with their assigned sex at birth (cis- from Latin, meaning, “on this side [of].” In contrast to trans, from the Latin root meaning “across,” “beyond,” or “on the opposite side [of]”). ​ ​​ Dimensions of gender – Our body, expression, and identity are three distinct, but interrelated, components that comprise a person’s experience of gender. Each of these dimensions can vary greatly across a range of possibilities. A person’s comfort in their gender is related to the degree to which these three dimensions feel incongruence. ​ ​​ FtM – A person who was assigned a female sex at birth and whose gender identity is boy/man. ​ ​​ Gender binary – A system that constructs gender according to two discrete and opposite categories: boy/man and girl/woman. It is important to recognize that both cisgender and Transgender people can have a gender identity that is binary. ​ ​​ Gender dysphoria – First, let’s look at the word “dysphoria.” According to Merriam-Webster, dysphoria is “a state of feeling very unhappy, uneasy, or dissatisfied.” So, in the broadest sense, gender dysphoria is when someone feels very unhappy, uneasy, or dissatisfied in relation to their gender. This is something many people experience, including feeling a tension between how someone feels about their body compared to how society genders their body or a conflict between how someone sees themselves in contrast with expected gender roles or expectations. ​ ​​ Gender dysphoria is related to gender congruence, which is the degree of harmony we feel in each dimension of our gender. Gender dysphoria, which can occur in relation to any dimension of gender, can encompass a broad range of feelings, from mild discomfort to unbearable distress; the intensity, pervasiveness, frequency, and triggers of gender dysphoria vary widely from person to person. Feelings of gender dysphoria can, and often do, change over time. For example, an individual’s experience of gender dysphoria may lessen as greater congruence is achieved. ​ ​ If a person’s discomfort or distress is negatively affecting their quality of life and relationships, they may want to get support from a trained, affirming gender professional. Keep in mind that “gender dysphoria” is also a clinical term and is found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (commonly referred to as the DSM, or DSM–5). The labeling of gender dysphoria as a disorder or condition has been controversial, but it is helpful to understand the term’s clinical definition and use if you are considering support from a mental health professional. Gender expression – This is our “public” gender. How we present our gender in the world and how society, culture, community, and family perceive, interact with, and try to shape our gender. Gender expression is also related to gender roles and how society uses those roles to try to enforce conformity to current gender norms. ​ ​​ Genderfluid – People who have a gender or genders that change. Genderfluid people move between genders, experiencing their gender as something dynamic and changing, rather than static. ​ ​​ Gender identity – our deeply held, internal sense of self as masculine, feminine, a blend of both, neither, or something else. Identity also includes the name we use to convey our gender. Gender identity can correspond to, or differ from the sex we are assigned at birth. The language a person uses to communicate their gender identity can evolve and shift over time, especially as someone gains access to a broader gender vocabulary. ​ ​​ Gender role – The set of functions, activities, and behaviors commonly expected of boys/men and girls/women by society. ​ ​​ Gender-expansive – An umbrella term used for individuals who broaden their own culture’s commonly held definitions of gender, including expectations for its expression, identities, roles, and/or other perceived gender norms. ​ ​​ Genderqueer – An umbrella term to describe someone who doesn’t identify with conventional gender identities, roles, expression and/or expectations. For some, genderqueer is a Non-binary identification, and for others, it is not. ​ ​​ Intersex – Also referred to as Disorders/Differences of Sexual Development. About 1% of children are born with chromosomes, hormones, genitalia and/or other sex characteristics that are not exclusively male or female as defined by the medical establishment in our society. In most cases, these children are at no medical risk, but most are assigned a binary sex identity (male or female) by their doctors and/or families. ​ ​​ MtF – A person who was assigned a male sex at birth and whose gender identity is girl/woman. ​ ​​ Non-binary – An umbrella term for gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine. ​ ​​ Sex – Used to label a person as “male” or “female” (some US states and other countries offer a third option) at birth, this term refers to a person’s external genitalia and internal reproductive organs. When a person is assigned a particular sex at birth, it is often mistakenly assumed that this will equate with their gender; it might, but it might not. ​ ​​ Sexual orientation – Our sexual orientation and our gender are separate, though related, parts of our overall identity. Gender is personal (how we each see ourselves), while sexual orientation is interpersonal (who we are physically, emotionally and/or romantically attracted to). ​ ​​ Transboy – A child who was assigned a female sex at birth and has a boy gender identity. ​ ​ Transgender – Sometimes this term is used broadly as an umbrella term to describe anyone whose gender identity differs from their assigned sex. It can also be used more narrowly as a gender identity that reflects a binary gender identity that is “opposite” or “across from” the sex they were assigned at birth. ​ ​​ Transgirl – A child who was assigned a male sex at birth and has a girl gender identity. ​ ​​ Transition – “Transitioning” is a term commonly used to refer to the steps a transgender, Agender, or non-binary person takes in order to find congruence in their gender. But this term can be misleading as it implies that the person’s gender identity is changing and that there is a moment in time when this takes place. More typically, it is others’ understanding of the person’s gender that shifts. What people see as a “transition” is actually an alignment in one or more dimensions of the individual’s gender as they seek congruence across those dimensions. A transition is taking place, but it is often other people (parents and other family members, support professionals, employers, etc.) who are transitioning in how they see the individual’s gender, and not the person themselves. For the person, these changes are often less of a transition and more of an evolution. Instead of “transitioning,” a more apt phrase is “pursuing congruence measures.” A person can seek harmony in many ways: ​ ​​ Social congruence measures : changes of social identifiers such as clothing, hairstyle, gender identity, name and/or pronouns; ​ Hormonal congruence measures : the use of medical approaches such as hormone “blockers” or hormone therapy to promote physical, mental, and/or emotional alignment; ​ Surgical congruence measures : the addition, removal, or modification of gender-related physical traits; and ​ Legal congruence measures : changing identification documents such as one’s birth certificate, driver’s license, or passport. ​ ​​ It is important to note, though, that a transition experience can be a very significant event in a person’s life. A public declaration of some kind where an individual communicates to others that aspects of themselves are different than others have assumed and that they are now living consistently with who they know themselves to be, can be an empowering and liberating experience (and moving to those who get to share that moment with them). ​ ​​ Transphobia – Fear, dislike of, and/or prejudice against transgender people. ​ ​​ Transsexual – This term is used in different ways in English-speaking countries. In the US, it is considered an older term that originated in the medical and psychological communities and is considered offensive by many people. Still used by some people who have permanently changed, or seek to change, their bodies through medical interventions, including, but not limited to, hormones and/or surgeries. Unlike the term transgender, transsexual is not an umbrella term. Many transgender people do not identify as transsexual and prefer the word transgender.


    DIE QUERCHORALLEN BERLIN GERMANY Type: SATB Founded: 2018 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 40 ABOUT The QuerChorallen is a gay and lesbian amateur choir, which was founded in the winter of 2005/2006. Currently, the choir has 45 singers and a repertoire that ranges from classical to the modern, pop songs and spirituals are included as well as medieval madrigals and pieces from the Romantic era. This is a chorus of Kristina Hays, who has studied singing in San Francisco and Salzburg. As a freelance singer, she performs in concert and opera productions and works as a vocal coach and choir director. ​ Die QuerChorallen sind ein schwul-lesbischer Laienchor, der im Winter 2005/2006 von Nives Brzič gegründet wurde. Aktuell hat der Chor 40 SängerInnen und ein Repertoire, das von der Klassik bis in die Moderne reicht, Popsongs und Spirituals gehören ebenso dazu wie mittelalterliche Madrigale und Stücke aus der Romantik. Geleitet wird der Chor wechselnd von Kristina Hays und Jaret Choolun. Kristina hat Gesang in San Francisco und Salzburg studiert. Als freischaffende Sängerin tritt sie in Konzert- und Opernproduktionen auf und arbeitet als Stimmbildnerin und Chorleiterin. Jaret hat eine klassische Klavierausbildung und am Queensland Conservatory Komposition studiert. Er lebt seit 2012 in Deutschland, zunächst in Bremen, seit 2018 in Berlin. Unsere Probe findet immer mittwochs abends in Kreuzberg statt. Zusätzlich treffen wir uns zweimal im Jahr zu einem Chorwochenende. Eines findet in Berlin statt,das andere irgendwo im Umland. Dann ist von Freitagabend bis Sonntagnachmittag nicht nur Zeit für intensive Proben sondern auch für gemeinsame Spaziergänge, Klönen und Tanzen. Wir freuen uns natürlich sehr, wenn ihr Lust habt, bei uns mitzusingen. Es sind bei uns sind grundsätzlich alle willkommen, die sich mit unserer Zielgruppendefinition wohlfühlen, ganz unabhängig von Gender oder sexueller Präferenz. Wir haben uns allerdings entschlossen, dass wir im Moment nicht weiter wachsen wollen. Daher können wir leider nur gelegentlich neue SängerInnen aufnehmen. Momentan suchen wir Tenöre m/w/d. Wenn Du Interesse hast, setzen wir Dich aber sehr gern auf unsere Warteliste. equally mixed classic/rock/pop/musicals WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2018 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES

  • Popular Tags for Instagram

    Popular Tags for Instagram If you’re looking for more followers, likes, comments, and overall more interaction on Instagram, tagging your photos with relevant hashtags is a good way to get users to notice your photos. Lots of users browse keywords using Instagram’s search function, so if you tag your photos with descriptive keywords, they’re more likely to be discovered by other people. For example, if you tag a photo of your choir with hashtag #choir in the description of the photo, users browsing through the #choir tag in an Instagram search should see your photo. Just keep in mind that it will quickly be pushed down the tag page as other people post their own photos and videos with the same tag. If you are going to use multiple hashtags in the caption of an Instagram post, try separating them from the actual caption so it doesn't look cluttered and hard to read. You can do this by typing your caption out like normal and then making multiple line breaks, with the hashtags at the end. Some users put periods at the start of their line breaks to help guide the eyes of the viewer down toward the hashtags. You may want to try tagging your posts with the nearest large city to try and gain some interest from local followers. For example, if you're near Berlin, Germany, you could add tags like #berlin or #germany. If you’d like to see more, does a good job at rounding up their top 100 list of popular Instagram tags ​ For LGBTQ hashtags related go to Users who find your post by browsing the tag page for the tag that you added might decide to give it a like, comment on it, or even check out your profile and start following you! If that’s what you want, then here’s a short list of some of the most popular hashtags used on Instagram. #LEGATOChoirs The best way to help us, and the main reason to grow as a Choirs Community, spread the love for choral music ​ #LGBTQ+ #LGBT #Lesbian #Gay #Bisex #Trans #Queer The most important hashtags ever. Support for the fight toward equality. Acknowledging that nearly three quarters of LGBTQ consumers are on social media 6-7 times a week, we can leverage these platforms to better connect and engage with this audience. ​ #Love “Love” is one of the most popular hashtags used on Instagram. People can use it for pretty much almost any photo, which is probably why it’s so popular. ​ #Beautiful With so many great filters that can make an ordinary photo or video look awesome, “beautiful” is an extremely popular word that is constantly used to describe an almost form of appealing photography or cinematography on Instagram. ​ #Summer Summer seems to be the most favored season for all Instagram users. From beach pics to pink and orange sunsets, this tag usually turns up some colorful results. ​ #Cute So, your dog is sleeping, and you think it’s pretty cute, right? Post it and tag it with #cute! This tag is full of adorable animals, babies, and even people. ​ #IGers This is another tag that can basically include any post at all. It stands for “Instagrammers,” and you can pretty much use it for any photo or video you want to show off. ​ #Instagood This tag is generally used to describe any photo or video that a user thinks looks really great and is really proud of it. ​ #Instacollage Some users get really creative and combine more than one photo into a collage using another collage-making app before uploading it to Instagram. ​ #Latergram The "latergram" tag can be used when you post a photo or video at a later time instead of instantly. ​ #PhotoOfTheDay The individual who originally created this tag chose a popular photo from this tag group and included it in an online gallery, kind of like a contest. These days, it seems everyone uses the tag just because they can. ​ #Instamood Feeling sad, happy, angry, confused, or some other emotion? Take a photo of (or film a video) and tag it with #instamood to show people how you’re feeling. ​ #LiveAuthentic Many users love to tag their posts with this tag when they're photographing nature or "artsy" photos of almost anything. ​ Fun Instagram Hashtags - Hashtag Trends for Every Day of the Week ​ Here are some great weekday hashtags you can start using right now. Just pick a day of the week, find a photo with that theme, post it with the hashtag and you're done! ​ Monday Hashtags ​ #ManCrushMonday or #MCM: Monday is a special day for all the female users on Instagram because they're encouraged to a post a photo of any guy they think is attractive. ​ #MondayMotivation: This is a great hashtag for posting photos of motivational quotes to inspire your friends (and get inspired yourself) when you're not quite feeling it upon getting back to work after the weekend. ​ #MondayBlues: Opposite of #MondayMotivation is #MondayBlues where instead of everyone inspiring each other, everyone just empathizes with how difficult it is to get back to the daily grind. ​ #MeowMonday: Cat owners and cat lovers, Monday is for you. Share a photo of your cat or even just a funny cat meme on the internet. After all, the internet can never have too many cats. ​ Tuesday Hashtags ​ #TransformationTuesday: Lots of people post photos of themselves when they were younger and make a side-by-side comparison to show what they look like on the current day. They also often post their fitness results or they just share some other story about how they've grown and changed over time. ​ #TuesdayTip: Friends and followers can always appreciate a little advice from someone who has the knowledge and experience related to something important. Share a tip that you think might benefit them on this day. ​ #TacoTuesday: Is there anyone in this world who actually doesn't like tacos? Tuesday is taco night, so share your delicious creations online to make everyone's mouths water. Wednesday Hashtags ​ #WomanCrushMonday or #WCW: This is exactly like #ManCrushMonday, except obviously it involves photos of women instead of men. Post a photo of the gal you have a crush on and tag it with this on Wednesdays. ​ #HumpDay: What are you doing to keep you going strong in the middle of the week? Share it on Instagram and other social media platforms to help friends out who could use a bit of a pick-me-up. ​ #WednesdayWisdom: You can give out tips on Tuesday, but save your true nuggets of wisdom for Wednesday. And write a lengthy Instagram caption if you need to! ​ #WineWednesday: Hump day is also a good excuse to break out the wine. Share your classy wine photos with this hashtag. ​ Thursday Hashtags ​ #ThrowbackThursday or #TBT: This stands for “Throwback Thursday,” and even though the meaning isn’t really all that clear, most people use it to show a photo from the past, or to express some sort of fun activity they’re enjoying on a Thursday. This hashtag is all about posting anything that feels retro and nostalgic. In fact, it's so popular, you'll often see it used on other popular social networks, like Twitter and Facebook. ​ #ThursdayThoughts: Got something you need to get off your chest? Vent or share your thoughts on absolutely anything by posting with this hashtag. ​ #ThankfulThursday: Hey, you're almost through the week! This is a great time to reflect on what you're grateful for. It may just inspire others to be grateful too. ​ #ThirstyThursday: This one can be taken literally (as in thirsty for a drink) or metaphorically for anything you really desire. Be careful since some users tend to post NSFW content under this hashtag! ​ Friday Hashtags ​ #FlashbackFriday or #FBF: Strangely enough, Friday even has its own version of Throwback Thursday. It has the exact same theme as #ThrowbackThursday (posting nostalgic content) but for those who missed the chance to do so Thursday. ​ #FlashbackFriday sort of just gives them an extra day to do it. ​ #FridayReads: For those who prefer to kick back with a good back after a long week rather than go out and party, there's the #FridayReads hashtag, which encourages you to share what you're reading. ​ #FridayNight: If you're one of those people who enjoy living it up at the end of the week and staying out late, share your Friday night fun with this hashtag. ​ #FridayFunday: Similar to #FridayNight, go ahead and use this hashtag to brag about how much fun you're having on Friday. ​ Saturday Hashtags ​ #SaturdayNight: #FridayNight is another hashtag that extends over to the next day. Everyone knows that Saturday night is a big party night too, so it's only natural to want to share all the fun. ​ #SexySaturday: Dressing up to go out this Saturday? Snap a photo and share your style with your friends. ​ #Caturday: Yup, cats again. If you can't get enough cats for #MeowMonday, well, there's always Caturday! ​ #SaturdayShenanigans: Saturday is a day to be busy running errands and doing fun activities with the family or your friends. Use this hashtag to let everyone know what you're up to this Saturday. ​ Sunday Hashtags ​ #SundayFunday: There's no shame in showing off all the fun you've been having all weekend. This hashtag encourages you to share whatever fun activity you might be doing before heading back to work or school for another week. ​ #LazySunday: For those who need balance between a hectic or fun-filled Saturday and one more day to fully let loose and chill out. Show your friends and followers what you love to do during your downtime.

  • Gender-neutral Language Statement

    Gender-neutral Language Statement Gender-neutral language is a generic term covering the use of non-sexist language, inclusive language or gender-fair language. The purpose of gender-neutral language is to avoid word choices which may be interpreted as biased, discriminatory or demeaning by implying that one sex or social gender is the norm. Using gender-fair and inclusive language also helps reduce gender stereotyping, promotes social change and contributes to achieving gender equality. We strive for gender neutrality with regards to language in recognition of the many genders represented within our member choirs, singing sections and the LGBTQ+ community. When working and communicating with singers and choirs within the LEGATO community please keep the following guidelines in mind. Bias-free language has more chance of being accepted by users if it is natural and unobtrusive. Genuinely neutral and inclusive alternatives should be sought while respecting the multilingual nature of LEGATO's working environment. These guidelines aim at being a source of inspiration for the choirs in this regard. ​ Please refer to sections by voice part rather than gender, ie; altos and sopranos, tenors and basses rather than men or women. There are gender-inclusive ways to address a choir as a whole. People or folks or simply everyone are more gender-neutral options (as opposed to Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls). ​ We know that gender-specific language is a part of our culture and we don't expect each individual to overcome years of conditioning overnight. We would, however, appreciate your attempt to address our members in the most gender-neutral way possible. ​ Some Usage Examples: ​ Exclusionary (binary): Every choir member should know his or her lines by Friday. ​ ​​ Inclusive (any gender): Each choir member should know their lines by Friday. ​ ​​ Inclusive (singer whose chosen pronouns are they/ them / theirs): Alex needs to learn their lines by Friday. ​ ​​ Exclusionary (binary): Each should wait until he / she is notified of his / her audition results. ​ ​​ Inclusive (any gender): Each should wait until they are notified of their audition results. ​ ​​ Inclusive (singer whose chosen pronouns are they/ them / theirs): Janani should wait until they are notified of their audition results.

  • Welcome to LEGATO The European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs

    WELCOME LEGATO European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs

  • DenmarkMembers



    MUSICA LESBIANA STUTTGART GERMANY Type: SSAA Founded: 1998 # Wonderful Supporting members 2 # Wonderful members 15 ABOUT Wir sind 24 Frauen jeden Alters und Temperaments, haben Kinder oder nicht,gehen vielen verschiedenen Beruf(ung)en nach und treffen uns mit Vergnügen und großer Beständigkeit dienstags zum Singen. Unsere Reiselust hat uns zu anregenden schwullesbischen Chorfestivals in Paris, Hamburg, München, Frankfurt, Saarbrücken, Mainz und Karlsruhe geführt. ​ Bei all unseren Aktivitäten gilt: Ein schöner Chorklang ist uns wichtig, aber bitte mit Spaß! ​ We are 24 women of every age and temperament, have children or not, go for many different professions and meet with pleasure and great constancy every Tuesdays to sing. Our wanderlust has led us to the exciting gay and lesbian choir festivals in Paris, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt and Karlsruhe. In all our activities applies: A beautiful choral sound is important to us, but please enjoy! mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2000 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    Jun 14 - 18, 2023 15TH FESTIVAL VARIOUS VOICES 2023 BOLOGNA ​ KOMOS CORO GAY DI BOLOGNA 2020 Update Europe's LGBTQ+ premier singing festival Various Voices Bologna is moving to 2023 The quad-annual 15th Various Voices Festival of Legato, the European Association of LGBTQ+ Choirs will be hosted in Bologna and moved from 2022 to the summer of 2023. Team Bologna is led by Komos, the LGBT Chorus of Bologna, with their partners and funders including the municipality of Bologna, along with allies and friends in Italy. The 5,000 expected participants will bring at least €2.5 million estimated income into the local economy of Emilia-Romagna, Italy during the festival. The festival is a celebration for the LGBTQ+ choirs and musicians of Europe celebrating with their friends from around the worldwide community of singers, to share, learn and enjoy time, singing, performing, engaging in the beautiful ancient "la rossa" red city of Bologna and the people of the region of ‎‎Emilia-Romagna, the home of parma ham, balsamic vinegar and parmesan. Five glorious warm summer days and balmy evenings of superb singing, entertainment and a “totally fun experience”. Choirs and musical groups perform in a range of languages, styles, an eclectic crucible of European musicians and music. Nicola Mainardi, Bologna Various Voices Festival Director, said "we will be using this time to add that extra bit of Bologna sparkle, seeking even greater local support and working with our partners to rebook venues and agree new dates in 2023. This has been a complex decision in response to the global pandemic and we need to give all time to heal and recover, to enjoy our festival safely. As details are confirmed we will share them with all our stakeholders. We will create the best Various Voices experience ever, for everyone" We are very happy to show you all the new logo Various Voices Bologna 2022 European festival of LGBT Choruses #Isingwhatiam Bologna “La Dotta” (“Learned” Bologna) has always been a pioneer of cultural initiatives. To be the first city to host a festival with such worldly fame in the LGBT* community like Various Voices would only add to the great reputation the city has earned. A myriad of men of culture, artists, musicians and thinkers have passed through the ancient city walls. Those walls have survived and the architecturally wonderful entrance gates will bear witness to thousands of people united in music passing through to celebrate LGBT* pride. Komos is so grateful for everything that Legato and Various Voices have given us these past years - an enormous treasure, not only from an artistic perspective, but also from a human perspective. You gave us a rush of emotions when we sang as the first italian choir in the history of the Festival for an audience that embraced us with that warmth we didn’t expect. You gave us a network of international relations composed of amazing people that enables us to sing in cities across Europe and to host foreigner choirs in Italy. You gave us a huge wave of enthusiasm, thanks to which we succeeded in organizing in Bologna the first italian Festival of GLBT choirs, Cromatica. Now it’s time for us to give something back to Various Voices. We can affirm without a doubt that Bologna is the foremost city in Italy where GLBT culture is alive and productive, with more than 20 GLBT organizations and a Municipality that stands firmly against discrimination and promotes equality and diversity. Bologna was the first Italian city to assign a community location for its LGBT citizens: the Cassero di Porta Saragozza in 1982. It was also the first to elect a transsexual to the local council, Marcella Di Folco, directly from the LGBT movement. Since 2016 the local authority has been part of the rainbow cities of Europe and the European coalition of cities against racism.


    CHECCORO MILANO ITALY Type: SATB Founded: 2010 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 56 ABOUT Checcoro è il primo coro LGBT di Milano formato da persone di ogni orientamento sessuale, che sostiene e promuove una cultura dei diritti sociali e civili per tutti. ​ Attraverso il linguaggio universale della musica, Checcoro intende sensibilizzare il maggior numero di persone sulle tematiche LGBT, affinché l’idea di una società multiforme sia considerata alla base della crescita collettiva. ​ Checcoro è un coro a cappella che nasce nel 2010 per proporre alla città di Milano brani natalizi cantati in piazza secondo la tradizione anglosassone. Durante le performance, a chi si ferma ad ascoltare viene distribuito il testo con l’invito a cantare e con lo scopo di coinvolgere il pubblico in una esperienza di comunità allargata e variegata. ​ A partire dall’ottobre del 2013 l’esperienza del coro si è distribuita su tutto l’anno partecipando agli eventi della comunità LGBT milanese (tra gli altri Pride Week e Mercatini natalizi Arcobaleno) con flash mob e concerti rivolti a tutta la città (Chiostri dell’Umanitaria, Casa dei Diritti) e partecipando a festival e iniziative in Lombardia (Crespi D’Adda, Legnano, Cinisello Balsamo, Mariano Comense, Desio, Sesto San Giovanni, Pavia, Expo) e non solo. ​ Collabora inoltre con la Zona 3 di Milano per la realizzazione di iniziative pubbliche a sostegno di una città più inclusiva e vivibile. ​ Nel 2016 Checcoro è stato selezionato per accompagnare lo spettacolo David Mixner Show al Teatro Elfo Puccini di Milano, per partecipare alla serata finale del Diversity Media Awards 2016 presso il Pavillon Unicredit e ha preso parte a La Fête de la Musique a Parigi. Nello stesso anno è stato il coro organizzatore del Festival Cromatica. ​ Il numero dei partecipanti al coro è cresciuto progressivamente negli anni fino ad arrivare ai 50 elementi attuali, guidati dal maestro Filiberto Bentivoglio, che ne segue la direzione e la curatela musicale. mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2015 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    MIDNIGHT DESCANT VINNYTSIA UKRAINE Type: SATB Founded: 2017 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 17 ABOUT We are about 10-12 members in the choir now. We managed to bring back several members from the previous team and recruit new guys and girls. Our city is quiet now. Of course, sometimes there are cases when missiles arrive, but mostly at military facilities. We are trying to get back to normal life and the choir is one of the good tools to distract from what is happening in the country. We are open to new members and try to help everyone with singing. Of course, the situation is quite unstable, and there are many difficulties, but we support each other, stick together and believe in a good end to this war. On behalf of the entire choir, I want to thank you for your support. mostly rock/pop/musicals, some classical WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2018 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES


    OSLO FAGOTTKOR OSLO NORWAY Type: TTBB Members: 30 Founded: 2004 ABOUT Om opprinnelsen strides de lærde, men Oslo fagottkor kan sies å ha blitt til i Oslo i 2004. Der kom noen venner sammen med et felles ønske fra et nachspiel. De var menn som var glad i menn som var glad i menn som var glad i musikk og humor (altså hverandre). Og de ville synge. Mye! Det skulle vise seg at mange delte disse interessene, og snart var deres lille sanggruppe blitt til Norges lekreste homsekor. Barnet ble hetende Oslo fagottkor. Den første forestillingen ga de allerede på selveste 17. mai 2004 foran vår milde kronprins og hans noe strengere mor. ​ Fagottkoret er kjent for sin humoristiske tilnærming til alle stilarter og dyrker sjangeren musikk-komikk. Ingen sjanger skånes for fagottenes skråblikk. Korets kjepphest er likevel at musikalsk kvalitet alltid skal være fundamentet. Repertoaret er derfor meget variert. Alf Prøysen bryter gjerne håndbak med Britney Spears og Barbra Streisand diskuterer hårprodukter med Edvard Grieg. ​ Som kjent er det vanskelig, kanskje umulig, å holde styr på en middels til stor gruppe homofile menn. Det måtte en vakker og streit kvinne til. Dirigent Therese Kinzler Eriksen har siden begynnelsen holdt i tømmene. Hun har ledet koret gjennom ild og vann. Hun er dypt involvert i alle kunstneriske valg, både musikalsk og teatralsk. Med bagasjen full av klaver- og dramautdannelse, og etterhvert inngående kunnskap om paljetter og sminke på skjegg, har hun satt preg på oss og våre forestillinger siden starten. I inn- og utland har hun gjort suksess som maestra, kunstnerisk orakel, musikalsk overflødighetshorn og evig kilde til galskap. Vi siterer Ida Maria og DeLillos: Fy faen så flink du er tross alt og likevel. ​ I 2005 fikk Fagottkoret en helt ny glans: Tomas Glans. Den velrenommerte og hysterisk morsomme regissøren og koreografen har uttalt at han bruker Oslo fagottkor som sin lekegrind der han kan utfolde seg fritt. Han elsker oss. Og vi elsker ham. Og som kjent: den man elsker tukter, man. Han er nådeløs og får koristene til å gjøre ting de i sine villeste fantasier ikke ante at de fantaserte om innerst inne. Det er hans skyld at maskaraen renner i strie strømmer under forestillingene. Tomas signatur er latterbrøl, ettertanke og publikum som ikke vil gå hjem. ​ Oslo fagottkor har stort sett hatt to store produksjoner i året: Sommerkonserter på Chat Noir eller andre steder og julekonserter i Lilleborg kirke og fra 2016 i Folketeateret. WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK EMAIL If for any reason you don't want to be on our website, give us the name of your choir and your email and click SUBMIT . SUBMIT your choir will be removed shortly, thanks


    DEEP C DIVAS YORKSHIRE UNITED KINGDOM Type: SSAA Founded: 1999 # Wonderful Supporting members 0 # Wonderful members 5 ABOUT Deep C Divas is a small but perfectly formed lesbian a capella singing group based in Yorkshire. We believe that firm feminist principles should always be combined with glitter, glamour and good times! ​ The group was formed after two of our members attended the 1998 Amsterdam Gay Games and were inspired by the cultural festival there. Four years later the Divas sang in the Sydney Opera House as part of the next Gay Games. Since then we have sung all over the world, in San Jose, Berlin, Dublin, Paris, London, and even in Lancashire. ​ We sing a mixture of classic and new pop, folk, and political songs, and believe that even in these changing times a love song sung by women for women can still be a political act. pop/folk/comedy/feminist/ WEBSITE INSTAGRAM TWITTER FACEBOOK 2001 Manage your Choir information ​ Now you can change, add or remove the information about your choir Want to change your profile picture? ​Change the description of your choir? Your contact information? A new link to a Facebook page, Twitter or Instagram account? ​ Click here to submit your changes SUBMIT CHANGES

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